Estive ha momentos atras num cinema a ver o filme "The lake house" e muito sinceramente adorei e tive que vir anunciá-lo ao mundo!Adorei a história (apesar de ficar por explicar como é que se dá/acontece a diferença temporal, mas isso não é o mais importante), a casa do lago, os actores, tudo...Aconselho vivamente a ver o filme..põe-nos a pensar, sobre o amor, a vida, o tempo...e é diferente dos romances actuais..Um exemplo? É bom de se ver que se comunicam através de cartas e não de outro modo, como emails ou telemoveis..dá asas à imaginação e ao romantismo..
P.S: Uma curiosidade particular..eles apercebem-se da diferença temporal no dia 14 de Abril...my birthday! porque não noutra data qualquer? =P
P.S: Uma curiosidade particular..eles apercebem-se da diferença temporal no dia 14 de Abril...my birthday! porque não noutra data qualquer? =P
Deixo-vos aqui algumas frases do filme:
Kate: It's kind of a long distance relationship.
Alex: Pick a place. I'll be there, I promise.
Henry Wyler: Do you have a girlfriend?
Alex: Uh, you're going to think I'm crazy.
Alex: She's more real to me than anything I've ever known.
Kate: I sometimes feel as if I'm invisible, as if no one can see me at all. I never felt that way when I lived at the Lake House. It's the one place
Kate: [voice over] Dear new tenant, welcome to your new home. I'm sure you'll love living here as much as I did.
Alex: What do you mean lived here?
Kate: Since no one has lived in this house for years.
Kate: [voice over] Ridiculous. For argument's sake, what day is it there?
Alex: April 14th, 2004.
Kate: No. It's April 14th, 2006.
Alex: It's the same day two years apart.
Kate: Can this be happening?
Alex: This house is about connections.
Kate: [from trailer] Even though this is clearly impossible, it's amazing.
Alex: [voice over] How's your sunset?
Kate: It's perfect.
Alex: I only wish you were here to share it with me.
Kate: It's not meant to be.
Alex: No, don't say that. Something must've happened.
Kate: One man I can never meet. Him, I would like to give my whole heart to.
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